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Unet provides digital tools to small and medium sized businesses.
Why You Should Choose Us:

Digital Customer Records

Transactions are recorded by smart phone or tablet. Just adding a few simple steps to your normal business process means you can quickly build a customer database and new communication channels.

Digital Customer Records

Transactions are recorded by smart phone or tablet. Just adding a few simple steps to your normal business process means you can quickly build a customer database and new communication channels.

Membership Clubs and Subscription Services

You can easily manage your membership club or subscription service using Unet. Setup customers, receive payments, offer discounts and send reminders. Save time for both you and the members.

Membership Clubs and Subscription Services

You can easily manage your membership club or subscription service using Unet. Setup customers, receive payments, offer discounts and send reminders. Save time for both you and the members.

All Payment Methods Accepted

Visa/Mastercard, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, the system even records traditional payments including cash.

All Payment Methods Accepted

Visa/Mastercard, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, the system even records traditional payments including cash.

Loyalty Programs and Rewards Schemes

No need for credit card style loyalty cards or expensive fees. Your customers can have a digital loyalty card from your business in their online wallet which is activated and updated during every sale.

Loyalty Programs and Rewards Schemes

No need for credit card style loyalty cards or expensive fees. Your customers can have a digital loyalty card from your business in their online wallet which is activated and updated during every sale.

Websites, Online Stores and Landing Pages

Want to improve your online presence? You can create your website or online store here, no need to pay for overpriced hosting, website design and online commerce fees. Link to your website with Unet landing pages.

Websites, Online Stores and Landing Pages

Want to improve your online presence? You can create your website or online store here, no need to pay for overpriced hosting, website design and online commerce fees. Link to your website with Unet landing pages.

Many More Tools Included

Get access to a range of other helpful tools including digital business cards, the affiliate program, statistics, promo codes, digital tipping and event organization.

Many More Tools Included

Get access to a range of other helpful tools including digital business cards, the affiliate program, statistics, promo codes, digital tipping and event organization.
Owner - Yogini Yoga Studio
"In just one month we integrated Unet into our business, my clients love it and I spend much less time on paperwork... I was never able to offer these kinds of services before!"
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